Ray tracer
The ray tracer is the result of a 2 week Masterclass given by Jacco bikker. I was part of a 3 man team.
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Our ResultThe main project included the following functions:
In a second project we made included
For optimisation we used:
What I worked on
In general the ray tracer was a combined effort, but some more specific parts where done by individuals.
Soft Shading
I created soft shading by shooting multiple rays from the objects hit point towards random points on the light source. I had a color buffer and for each ray I would either add black (no light hit) or the texture color (light hit). This gave a nice soft shading as result.
God Rays
For the god rays technique I made a color buffer list for each pixel position. With god rays you go to a random direction on a hemisphere with each ray hit until you reach the light or a cast limit. each frame I send a new ray and the result is added to the color buffer list. The buffer list is then rendered, as result you steadily get a better image of the scene with each tick.
Color bleeding
With color bleeding you take into account the color of the object you hit with each ray bounce time the light strength. As a result you get a reflection of the objects color onto other objects. In the image below there is a light above the 2 green spheres and a white ball below.